Meal Prepping Magic

what $100 gets you for groceries and meal prepping

What $100 gets you for Groceries & Meal Prepping

These days, it seems like your money doesn’t go very far at all for … anything. Luckily I’ve figured out a way to make our money stretch. In the video below, I’ll share my tips and tricks to feed your family or 3-4 with just $100 of groceries.

Here are the recipes of things that I made in the video:

Soy Eggs

6 eggs, soft boiled
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup mirin
2 tbsp rice vinegar
2 tbsp sugar or maple syrup
1/2 cup warm water
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 stalk green onion, chopped
1 tsp sesame oil & sesame seeds

In a container, add soy sauce, mirin, rice vinegar, sugar, warm water, garlic, green onions, sesame oil, and sesame seeds. Mix well then add the 7 minute boiled eggs, peeled and cooled in. Marinate in the fridge for at least 1 hour to overnight. It’ll last for 4-5 days in the fridge.

Raspberry Overnight Oats

1/2 cup old fashioned oats
1/2 cup greek yogurt
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup raspberries, smashed
1 tbsp maple syrup

In a bowl, mash the raspberries down, then add greek yogurt, milk, maple syrup together. Mix well and add oats in. If you want, add a dash of cinnamon. Mix well and let it soak overnight in the fridge in a bowl or container. Enjoy with more fresh raspberries.

Sheet Pan Fajitas
1 lb chicken thighs, cut into 1 inch chunks
1 red bell pepper, sliced
1 orange bell pepper, sliced
1/2 red onion, sliced
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp Mexican oregano
1 tbsp taco seasoning
2 tbsps olive oil
Juice from half a lime

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a bowl, add all the ingredients together and mix well to coat with seasoning and olive oil. Add ingredients to sheet pan and roast for 20-25 minutes until chicken is cooked through and vegegies are slightly charred. Serve with tortillas or rice bowl.

Mango Salsa Salmon

1/2 mango, finely diced
1/4 cup red bell pepper, finely diced
1 garlic clove, minced
1 red onion, finely minced
2 tbsps cilantro, minced
juice of half a lime
salt & pepper to taste

in a bowl, add ingredients to a bowl and mix well. Let it sit for 30 minutes before serving with seared salmon.

Salmon: take 1 filet of salmon, coat with olive oil, salt & pepper. Sear on medium high heat on each side for 3-5 minutes until just cooked through. Serve with mango salsa & rice.

Meaty Lasagna

1 lb ground beef
1/2 lb italian sausage
1/2 an onion, minced
4-5 cloves garlic
2 tsps italian seasoning
1 tsp kosher salt
1 jar Kroger marinara sauce
1 cup bechamel sauce or cottage cheese
lasagna noodles oven ready
mozzarella cheese
sliced provolone cheese

In a large pan, drizzle olive oil and saute the onion and garlic until fragrant. Add ground beef and italian sausage. Crumble them into small pieces. Add salt, italian seasoning and continue cooking the meat until they’re browned. Add jar of marinara sauce, reserving about 1/4 cup to add to the bottom of the lasagna pan. Simmer for 30 minutes.

In a 9x13 baking pan, line the bottom with the reserved marinara sauce. Add a layer of lasagna noodles to cover the pan. Spoon the meat sauce on top, then the bechamel or cottage cheese, provolone cheese, and another layer of lasagna noodles. Repeat unntil you reach the top of the pan. Sprinkle shredded mozzarella cheese on top and then bake at 375 for 45 minutes, covered with foil. Remove foil and continue for another 10 minutes until golden brown on top. Enjoy!