Breakfast Quesadillas

For a savory breakfast, I love making my kids Breakfast Quesadillas in the morning. I discovered a hack to make everything stick, follow along!

2 eggs

salt & pepper to taste

large handful on spinach



  1. Crack the eggs in a bowl and season it with salt and pepper. Beat the eggs and set aside.

  2. Heat oil on medium heat. Saute the spinach. Once wilted, add a tiny bit more oil, pour in your eggs and sprinkle a little cheese on top. When you see that the bottom is set, use your spatula to give it a small scramble.
    **This is my hack! The eggs act as a glue to the tortilla so you won’t have any messy scrambled eggs falling out. Place the tortilla on the eggs while it’s still undercooked. Let it set for a quick second and flip the tortilla over to finish cooking.

  3. Add another sprinkling of cheese and fold in half. Let the cheese melt.

  4. To serve, I love adding a dallop of guacamole and pico de gallo for freshness. Enjoy!

Be sure to follow & tag me on IG at @honeysuckle if you make this delicious Breakfast Quesadilla !

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