First Month with Baby

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I'm a little over 1 week late on this post, but life is unpredictable these days and I have all the best intentions to post here. Apologies for being MIA last month!! 

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So here we are, 5 weeks after my little girl was born. While I can't say that I've gotten the hang of this motherhood thing, I can say that things are getting a little easier. Possibly because I've gotten used to waking up at wee hours for feeding and only running on 5 hours of sleep. It's amazing how fast your body adjusts to things. Speaking of which, I am amazed at how fast my body was able to heal and bounce back from childbirth. I had my post partum check up today and the doctor said everything looked a-ok and I was given the go ahead to start running, jogging, proceed with my pre pregnancy daily activities again. Whoo hoo!

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Nate has been really great about taking photos of baby everyday. I love flipping through them as it seems like her face changes everyday. Sometimes when I'm feeding and staring at her, I still can't believe that I made this tiny little human. She's so precious and I just want to protect, love, and care for her forever. Of course it is my job, but this is all that I want to do. 


This is a photo of our outing on Mother's Day! The first photo of our whole family. Ollie was confused about which way to look. Lol! He has been more and more interested in baby and during early morning feedings, he would lay in bed next to me and baby waiting for us to finish. He is such a sweet dog and some days I worry about him feeling neglected, but he has been adapting so well. We make sure to give him extra love so he knows he is not getting replaced. 

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As a family, we're trying to get out of the house more often to explore. It's a great way to learn how to handle a baby in public - my first experience with a screaming baby was at Whole Foods this weekend. Oh man was that an experience, but it taught me how to calm her in a pinch while still trying to get my errands done. 

I'm learning how to be a Mom and while it's hands down the hardest job that I ever had, it's also the most rewarding. I've never been so happy in my life. :)