Breakfast Yogurt Bowls


Getting enough fiber and calcium has been a constant struggle for me throughout the pregnancy. I started getting major charlie horses at night - sometimes 3 times within a span of 8 hours. PAINFUL! I brought this up to my doctor and she recommended that I drink more water, get more potassium, and calcium in my diet. I didn't want to take any supplements and would rather do this naturally so decided to get creative. Yogurt bowls were a natural addition because it would fill me up and check those boxes. Probiotics and fiber are a plus to keep me regular. :D

Full Youtube video:

Here are 3 yogurt bowl combinations that I came up with


Classic Berries & Banana Bowl:

Strawberries, 2-3 sliced
Banana, sliced
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
chia seeds

In a bowl scoop in the Greek Yogurt and top with fruit and other toppings.


Mediterranean DESSERT Yogurt Bowl: 

DESSERT Yogurt Bowl:
Navel Orange slices
Dark Chocolate, chopped
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt

In a bowl scoop in the Greek Yogurt and top with fruit and other toppings.


TROPICAL Yogurt Bowl:
Pineapple chunks, sliced
Kiwi, sliced
Mango slices
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
Coconut chips
chopped Hazelnuts

In a bowl scoop in the Greek Yogurt and top with fruit and other toppings.